Family Fun

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Pictures Worth... At Least 600 bucks.

Upon deciding where to live, and which washer and dryer to pick and making arrangements for our move was made a decision about which furniture to adorn our living room.

Choice made: Beautiful lush BEIGE couches.

Now, to any parent... this would seem like a ridiculous thing to do. Why would you get beige couches with a 2 year old.

Why? Why you ask? Because we didn't anticipate having accidents.

We bought a highchair with straps and we always eat at the table. She only gets candies for using the potty and even then she MUST eat them on the potty. But we didn't envision what befell us on Sunday afternoon.

I pulled some cookbooks in the living room on Sunday to start working on a menu of sorts for the next two weeks. I brought a pen and paper so I could write everything down. We had JUST finished lunch and I had this epiphany that my DH should make chocolate chip cookies because (well hey, I'm pregnant and seriously wanted some :) Hey cordially obliged and begin whipping up the batter-- he's such a natural in the kitchen-- suppose he gets it from his mother :)

Anyways I thought I should go and help him and once I finished pouring out the ingredients I was back to doing the menus.... except... that didn't happen.

I came into my living room first having seen my beautiful baby with the pen in her hand and my heart immediately sank. I thought for a brief second that perhaps I might have just caught her grabbing it and there wouldn't be much damage done-- wrong!!

My beautiful beige couches were now stained with streaks of blue ink... my husband then got busy on whipping up some wonderful oxy solution (another fabulous thing his mother gifted him with--cleaning ideas).

We spent the bulk of our evening scrubbing out, vacuuming up, and re combing the microfiber....

Lesson Learned... Little Miss needs an Artistic Outlet... a possible gift idea for her upcoming birthday... perhaps we'll start with colored pencils and easel paper.


Monday, July 19, 2010

No Choice but Forgiveness.

Up until today, I was completely
over it.
I mean, at least to the point where I wasn't thinking about it. I could put it out of my mind and be okay. I walked through life like things were fine and I came out without a pinch, but I guess really I'm just a good
f a k e r.

Everyone I knew told me that karma will come around and for about the first month or so I waited for that sweet revenge to fall upon her. I checked and rechecked to make sure her status on facebook were filled with sadness and hopelessness; I wanted her to feel as bad as she made me feel. I wanted her to suffer the way she made me suffer; how she made my daughter suffer. I was hurt.

It didn't take too long for me to get out of that rut though, its really an awful way to live. I heard somewhere once that although the wrong-doer is at fault, they live their life merry and carry on as though nothing has ever happened and you waste a lot of precious time holding on so tight to grudges and bad feelings. The best thing to do is forgive them and



albeit thats not always an easy thing to do. For me though,
Im not deeply emotional or sentimental but I am a sucker for an appology. If someone says their sorry and they mean it I'm sold. (especially if there is some sort of explanation). But thats the thing, there was NO apology. Nothing. No words. She had messaged me a few times but would never apologize. Ever. I finally was able to get over it enough to move on with my life. I got married, moved to California with my husband and got started on our life together. Its been really fun. It has. But today I feel the hurt feeling crept back. I don't know why today, and I couldn't tell you why I decided to blog about it but I guess I just feel jaded.

She was my best friend. All I ever wanted was an apology. I never got one, I don't know if I ever will get one.

She may never know; She may not care. But I forgive her, its taken a lot of thinking for me to come to that point but i do. I hope she knows this.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fourth of July has always been one of my very favorite holidays. There is just something about the summer sun soaking into your skin, the smells of meat and veggies cooking on the grill, and the feelings of togetherness you feel spending time with those you love-- enjoying the many freedoms that so many take for granted.

I am thankful, this Fourth of July Weekend, to my husband and the commitment he has made to the United States Navy. I feel this holiday means more to me now than it ever has (and that's saying a lot).

This weekend was also wonderful for me because I was able to spend it with my husband for the FIRST TIME. There is nothing better than kissing your husband under the stars and the boom of fireworks blaring in the night sky like they are someones celebration of just YOUR love. It was truely magical. Then again, it could be just my adoration for the holiday speaking :).